Innovation in Education
My Milieu
At the moment, my situation is the situation of teacher education in
India. This is the milieu. By and large, education is board and chalk and
focused on examinations. To put the pressure to shift even a little from that
evokes anxiety among the educators. “Conditions for learning refersto the factors that can enhance or diminish a student’s ability to learn”. This is a space where learning to grow into global
mind-set is very difficult as the examination expects mostly rote learning
In this milieu, however,
there are several outliers. These are progressive schools that have broken away
from being chained to examination and are focused on developing a human being. 3
of which are mentioned in my discussion, which are “…adopters breaking the mold of industrial ageschools…”.
· There is a school called ‘keystone’ (, based on Project Based Learning. “Instead of working on a single project in a math class, project-based
learning combines multiple disciplines in one project. It promotes active and
deeper learning”, (Missouri, 2018).
· There is ‘riverside’ ( that is focused design thinking
in education. This is a “Fundamental redesign means adopting drastically different
designs for learning”, (Lars, 2017)
· There is Shibumi (, that is a learning centre for young as well as adults. They have gone
in for “Creation means implementing a new design in a totally new schoolor program”.
These schools have a
core team of leaders that have broken away from conventional thought process
and set up something radically new. They were discontented enough from the
conventional education to break out from the system. They had a clear vision,
capacity to mentor others and the resilience to face the obstacles.
● Looks like…Disruptive. Shibumi has moved beyond all models of
education, and focuses only creating self-awareness among young and adult. This
is a modern day version of schools in the ancient civilization where the
purpose of existence was finding of the self.
● Feels like…Vulnerable. “…the willingness to dosomething where there are no guarantees ...”, exposes all
our fears and puts us in the space where we feel vulnerable to failure or
ridicule. Innovation brings us to such a space. Keystone takes students to
IGCSE exam. To be in the space where students are being prepared for
examination, yet hold on to the vision of having a life skill integrated
project based learning is a vulnerable space.
● Sounds like…Radical. Riverside thought the impossible. They focus
on building humane individuals within the bounds of structure. They brought in
principles of design thinking into designing the curriculum and planning. This
is a parent initiative, turned to an education paradigm.
presence of these schools, 3 among so many, give me faith in the social
structure. I believe that we will approach innovation in the society fully
albeit progressively. These spaces are an inspiration.