reviewing area and % using the newspaper

  • Select a newspaper – the main paper only (no supplements) · 

  • Make list of 6 types of content categories contained in the newspaper-News;Advertisements;Photographs;Entertainment;Sports;Weather · 

  • Choose at least 2 pages of the newspaper (you may take more) · 

  • Measure the area covered by each category TOTAL AREA OF ALL CATEGORIES 

  • Now find what % is each category area of the total area? PRESENTATION · 

  • Present initial work on this sheet only. · 

  • Bring the newspaper that you have used also. · 

  • Attach the R.W sheet with this sheet · 

  • Final presentation artistic on a colour paper THOUGHTS TO REFLECT: § IS YOUR NEWSPAPER MOSTLY ADVERTISEMENT? § 

  • Check any 5 other newspapers and compare them with yours. Comment!?


Monica. Presenting the results as a Pie Chart would be a good exercise in trigonometry. Convert percent to degrees, then use a protractor to measure each pie slice.
Mr. D said…
I've done so many lessons with newspapers, but I never thought about using it this way. Great idea!

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